Friday, November 20, 2009

Tweet tweet

I have to say, getting Adirondack tweets is even better than reading the blogs. All day long, little reminders, bits of history and news - heaven. Here's the list from @tourpro if anyone is interested I was so inspired that I called the Adirondack Daily Enterprise and tried to talk the publisher into letting me consult for her on how to bring all this great local content into the website, (and more local revenue) but um, not so much. I guess the web strategy is handled in West Virginia?! Lame. Anyone want to conspire? My friend Linnae and I also want to do a podcast with John from Eat N Meet. "The Adirondack Chef" but that would require him to actually take a day off and me to be there more regularly. Neat idea though, right?

The boys will be at the barn with their dad for Thanksgiving (boo). I H.A.T.E. sharing holidays. I do hope they get a little skiing in? Maybe? Their season passes are ordered and waiting! And then it's my turn to get up to that old barn.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Live from Brooklyn

He is open for weddings, baptisms, and bar mitvahs.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hell Yes!

Just sent the official email for Holidays at the Barn! All my siblings will be coming inside the blue line the week after Christmas to celebrate (early) my 40th Birthday. Planning a New Year's Bash (with food by Eat n Meet), Whiteface, full moon cross country ski at Cascade, and general fun. That would be 16 people including 8 children ages 4-18! Holy crap. I've booked "spillover housing" at right down the street on Passino. (which I always thought was Pu zee' no, but it's Pass' in o) Who knew. Anyone know of other fun and frivolity we should plan that week?

Let's say a prayer to the Gods of the Yandon Well and Septic, shall we? And while we are at it. Dear St. AlGore, Please send us lots and lots of snow, even though the earth is melting. Amen.